Nikon Eclipse Ti2-E Fluorescence Scope
- Inverted microscope with large field-of-view
- Widefield imaging of live and fixed samples
- High-precision Piezo stage for fast live cell imaging
- Filter sets for fluorescence imaging from blue to NIR
- Optical sectioning, 3D, and Tile imaging
- 2D/3D deconvolution
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DeltaVision I (pd125225)
- Olympus inverted microscope
- Widefield imaging of live and fixed samples
- High-precision XYZ stage
- Standard filter sets for fluorescence imaging
- Optical sectioning and 3D imaging
- Optimized deconvolution
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DeltaVision II (pd20621)
- Olympus inverted microscope
- Mostly reserved for imaging of live samples
- High-precision XYZ stage
- Filter sets for wide variety of fluorophores
- Optical sectioning and 3D imaging
- Temperature, humidity and CO2 control
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ImageXpress Micro Confocal
- A high-content imaging system for samples in multi-well plates
- Collects both transmitted and fluorescent light images at high speed
- Filter sets for all standard fluorophores
- Ideal for exploring various cellular mechanisms
- MetaXpress software is perfect for image acquisition and analysis
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LaVision BioTec UltraMicroscope II
- Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscope for Imaging Large Samples
- Imaging at 488 nm, 561 nm, 640 nm and 785 nm Excitation Wavelengths
- 1.3x, 2x, 4x and 12x Objective Lenses
- Six Light Sheets for Homologous Illumination
- Working distance of up to 10 mm
- Dynamic Horizontal Focus for Better Z Resolution
- Imaging in Aqueous Buffers or Organic Solvent Medium
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Zeiss LSM 710 Confocal Microscope
- Zeiss Axio Observer Z1 Inverted Microscope stand and 34ch QUASAR detector
- Confocal system with six laser lines (405, 458, 488, 514, 543 and 633) and ZEN software
- Ideal for time-lapse analysis of live samples and multicolor imaging of fixed samples
- Temperature, humidity and CO2 control
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Zeiss LSM 880 Confocal Microscope
- A Zeiss confocal system with an upright microscope stand and 34 ch GaAsP detector
- Six laser lines (405, 458, 488, 514, 543 and 633) and Zen software
- Ideal for multicolor imaging of fixed samples, filter sets for all standard fluorophores
- Motorized stage, optical sectioning and confocal imaging of live samples
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Zeiss LSM 900 Confocal Microscope with AI Sample Finder
- An inverted confocal (CLSM) for high-quality imaging of fixed sample
- AI Sample Finder for fast automatic identification and overview imaging of sample areas
- 4 laser lines (405, 488, 561 and 640 nm) and 2 GaAsP-PMT detectors for multicolor imaging
- Motorized stage for easy acquisition and stitching of tiled images of large samples
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Zeiss LSM 980 Confocal Microscope with Airyscan2 and Multiplex Mode
- An inverted confocal for multicolor imaging of fixed and live sample
- Spectral detection of a wealth of fluorescent labels from 380 nm to NIR range
- Environmental chamber with temperature control and CO2 for long-term live imaging
- Airyscan 2 & Multiplex mode for rapid, super resolution imaging of large field
- Fitted with seven laser lines (405, 458, 488, 514, 543, 633 and 730 nm
- Spectral detection: 32 channel GaAsP PMT + 2 channels MA-PMT
- Tiling enables easy imaging of larger fields at a higher resolution
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Zeiss Axio Examiner Microscope
- Zeiss Vertical Axio Examiner.Z1
- Bright Field and Fluorescence (Colibri)
- Filter sets for a standard fluorophores
- Dipping objective lenses
- Ideal for live imaging
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Zeiss ELYRA S1 (SR-SIM) Super Resolution Microscope
- High resolution Axio Observer Z1 Inverted Microscope stand
- Super Resolution System with 3 laser lines (405, 488, 561nm) and ZEN software
- Ideal for 3D-SIM and live cell imaging of even very small organisms
- Can produce increased lateral and axial resolution (resolve structures as small as 100 nm)
- Works with standard fluorochromes, and acquires and processes data very rapidly
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Zeiss Axio Scope A1
- A basic upright light microscope
- Bright Field and Fluorescence imaging
- Filter sets for all standard fluorophores
- Air and oil objective lenses
- Ideal for Histochemical and Color imaging
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