BMC’s Award Winning Images!
1. A deconvolved fluorescence microscopy image of Toxoplasma gondii parasite that has infected HFF host cells. Green: Apicoplast organelle, red: ISP1 protein and blue: DNA. M. Kandasamy, BMC. Finalist – GE Healthcare Cell Imaging Competition, 2013.
2. A confocal image of developing eggs from the ovary of a parasitic wasp Microplitis demolitor. Red: Actin, Green: DNA. M. Kandasamy, BMC. Honorable Mention – Olympus BioScapes International Digital Imaging Competition, 2013.
3. A super resolution microscopy (SIM) image of bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cells stained for actin (pink), mitochondria (green) and DNA (yellow). M. Kandasamy, BMC. 5th Place Winner – Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition, 2014.